My company, Binary Guilt Software, has been spotlighted by Google Play on #WeArePlayEurope!
We are one of 3 companies selected to represent Belgium 🇧🇪

My company, Binary Guilt Software, has been spotlighted by Google Play on #WeArePlayEurope!
We are one of 3 companies selected to represent Belgium 🇧🇪
The three apps that I have created and developed (Complete Ear Trainer, Complete Rhythm Trainer and Complete Music Reading Trainer) have been downloaded more than 2 million times on Google Play!
I’m humbled by this, and hope that these apps have been useful to most of the people that downloaded them.
I have started to work on some really cool things that are coming in the near-future for these apps, more information coming soon!
Almost a year since I have made a post about Complete Ear Trainer, Complete Rhythm Trainer and Complete Music Reading Trainer. Time for an update!
First I have a developed a translation management system so anyone can help translating the apps in different languages. You can find it here: Thanks to this tool, but above all thanks to the wonderful Maksym Vlasov, Ezequiel Santos, Tomasz Sęczkowski, Christian Plonka and Miranda Roll-Lund:
Then, these last few months I added two sections to Complete Rhythm Trainer: Polyrhythms (play and practice any polyrhythm) and Free Practice (write and play any rhythm).
On the iOS side, Benjamin Rossi is hard at work on the iOS port and we finally released custom programs for the iOS version of Complete Ear Trainer. Custom programs are of course cross-platform and you can create custom programs for your students that can be joined and played from both Android and iOS devices. Remaining features are currently ported (additional sound banks, UI update, etc.) and as soon as it is done, Complete Rhythm Trainer and Complete Music Reading Trainer port will start. We hope to release everything this year.
That’s all for now!
Complete Ear Trainer v2.0.0 has just been released on Android.
It includes:
Get it here:
After months of hard work, I’m excited to release a whole new feature for Complete Ear Trainer: Custom Programs.
In addition to still be able to create quick single custom drills, you can now create full custom training programs with up to 20 chapters and 20 drills per chapter. Custom programs are really useful if you want to build a personalized training program and are offering many options: chapters/simple drill list, scoring, stars, number of required stars, etc.
But that’s not all, you can invite friends or students to join your custom programs. Each custom program can have its own private leaderboards and for example if you’re a teacher you can create custom programs for your students, add drills every week and see their scores on the leaderboards.
I’ll sure be using this myself when teaching!
You are more than 200,000 to have downloaded Complete Ear Trainer on Google Play, and more than 2,000 to have reviewed it for an average score of 4.6/5, thank you! Currently working on a new feature that will definitely be useful for teachers and students, stay tuned.
I just published an update for Complete Ear Trainer on Android. New features highlights:
And more, full changelog here: Android Changelog
I’m currently hard at work on the next Helium Horse Fly record, and we’re doing things differently this time, with more production time and more work at home. I’m discovering that I really enjoy the process of making a record much more that way: having time to try things, to record and edit the guitars myself, etc. Details on the record coming soon.
About Complete Ear Trainer, I wrote and played a small piece of piano for a promotional video a few months ago, here it is:
The iOS version of Complete Ear Trainer has just been published! A few things are missing and will be added in future updates (mainly arcade mode, guitar sound bank and tutorial screens), but these few things apart, the app has been ported exactly the same by my friend Benjamin Rossi. You can even sync your progression between your Android and iOS devices. Happy ear training!
App store link:
I’m really proud to announce that Complete Ear Trainer for Android has been released today. It is an app for smartphones I have been working on since more than a year. You can download it here:
The iOS version will be coming soon. Happy ear training!